Join forces with your peers! The EPCOR Knowledge Community is a private platform where EPCOR members and staff can communicate, collaborate and share payments-related documents.
Activate your Knowledge Community profile at by logging on with the same user ID and password as Then, watch your inbox for your daily digest emails recapping activity in the Community.
Click here for tutorials to help you get started.
Help us ensure we are meeting the needs of our members by serving as a sounding board on how current payments issues are impacting you!
- Cash & Treasury Management Committee
- Conference Planning Committee
- Education Committee
- Payments Committee
- Payments Compliance & Risk Committee
- Third-Party Sender/ODFI Roundtable
Calls for nomination are issued as needed, typically in the fall. Watch
News You Can Use and your inbox for details.
Don’t forget to follow the EPCOR flock on social media!